Sunday 31 January 2016

P34 - Teaser Trailer & Feedback

 From research and our own personal experiences, we have seen various different trailers, however we have also heard teaser trailers which have a much more shorter duration than official trailers. Therefore from this, we know that if we were in the industry, to promote our film and even for marketing campaigns, creating a teaser trailer would help gain more publicity within our target audience. This is why we have created a draft teaser trailer to show that if we were in the industry, this is what we would do. 

 However we also needed feedback to see what it was that we could improve for our official trailer. We asked three people amongst or target audience what they think of the teaser trailer by asking them 4 questions. These were:
1. What did you like about it?
2. Would you actually go watch this in the cinemas?
3. Do you have any improvements?
4. Does it build up the suspense? How does it do this?
We found out that we needed to improve the ending of the trailer to make it more clear to the audience and more louder to end the trailer with effect. However overall, our target audience found it very appealing for them.

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