Tuesday 5 January 2016

P20 - Animatic Feedback

                                            Animatic Storyboard Feedback

From our feedback, it gave us an insight into what we could do to improve our short horror film. In doing so, this not only allows us to create a better fit for our target audience, however by including their thoughts and opinions, it allows us to relate with them more.

We initially briefed our two respondents with what our animatic was about however we think they thought it was a miniature version of our film - which it should be, however in our animatic, we did not include dialogue. Instead, we worked on the sounds, transitions and effects to highlight the pain focuses of our film and what would need more work on. Additionally, to resemble the pace of the film's spoken dialogue, we had the text on screen of when the characters would say what. This meant that some dialogue from characters would appear for longer as well as some appearing for a small amount of duration. This made it hard to read for our respondents, and was one of the improvements they said to make.

Another improvement they said was to make the first scene clearer as to how it was a year ago compared to the second scene which was a year later. Therefore as opposed to having a box on the screen which disappears, we will have text slide up onto the screen as there will be a pan shot of the area. There will also be 'digital' beeping sound effects as the text comes up, to make it clear to the audience that there is something on screen to pay attention to. This will also be repeated for the second scene with another panning shot, yet with a slight change to the scenery. E.g. the grass will be shorter, or the bench will have 'aged' to show the difference of a year's affect on a natural setting. The lighting will also contrast as in the first scene, it will be night time however in the second, it will be daylight.

Our audience feedback said in order to appeal to our target audience, we need to make the film more scarier, but did not specify on how to do so. From this, we think that sound has a major influence, which is what we were already criticised for. Therefore by improving the sounds ad adding more faced paced action scenes/hand held camera shots, we believe that we can improve the quality of the short horror film and essentially appeal to the audience.  

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