Monday 4 January 2016

P19 - Final Script

PURPLE:Year 13:Media:Logo.jpgFINAL Film Script

DEC 2007

[Farzana running away from something through the forest]

Wryly: (running, panting)

Dialogue: Please stop! … I haven’t done anything.

[Farzana runs towards a bridge – she waits at the bridge, holding a box in her hand – she looks at it and realizes she needs to get rid of it – in the frame when she is just about to chuck it, a black figure appears but vanishes when the box is chucked down – it lands on the floor and she runs off]

DEC 2008

Characters name: Hasan, Tam, Sharmila

Wryly: (talking, interacting)

[Hasan and Tam are playing with the ball whilst Sharmila is sitting nearby on her phone]

Dialogue –
Hasan: Give me the ball man!

Tam: Come get it then, that’s the whole point!

Sharmila: Oh my god, you two are so annoying

[Hasan kicks the ball at her but goes into the bush]

Sharmila: Ow! …[Hasan kicks the ball at her and it falls into the bush]
Shame, you deserved that.

Hasan: [groans] Tam, come help me

[They both try and get the ball out of the bush but cannot reach it – instead Shahin gets a dirty jack-in-the-box out]

Tam: Oh my days, look what I found (curiously)

Hasan: [to himself] Where is the ball?

Tam: Oi man, look at this, it’s a jack-in-the-box!

Hasan: Are you a baby or something, imagine how old that is, put it back and help me get the ball

[Hasan is still trying to put his hand in the bush to reach for the ball – Sharmila walks to Tam to see the jack-in-the-box]

Sharmila: Ew, that is disgusting!

Tam: Open it!

[Tam throws it to Sharmila, and she squirms from its’ dirtiness and throws it back to him]

Sharmila: Are you dumb? You do it.

[Hasan gets up irritated and takes the box off Sharmila]

Tam: Nah man, actually leave it that looks dodgy.

Hasan: No, if you two wanna see what is inside that bad, I’ll show you!

[He begins to slowly wind the jack-in-the-box whilst the other two come closer to see. When the box pops open, they all jump and drop the box]

Sharmila: Why is that so creepy looking if that’s a kid’s toy

Tam: Well it’s not anymore if it’s been in a bush for god knows how long

Sharmila: Has ... (Hasan stares at the box and ignores her) Oi! (she nudges him and gains his frozen attention)

Hasan: Yeah, what?

Sharmila: Are you okay?

Hasan: Why wouldn’t I be?

Tam: (laughing) why you getting so scared, it’s just a dumb box.

Hasan: How am I getting scared?

Sharmila: All right, lets go its getting cold.

[Sharmila and Tam are walking off, leaving Hasan behind them; he picks up the box and hides it in his bag]


[Hasan is walking on the streets, he sees dark figures flashing by, he gets agitated and worried so he gets his phone out and calls his sister]

-   Split screen –

Hasan: Where are you?

Simi: Where else am I meant to be? I’m at school.

Hasan: I’m coming to pick you up.

Simi: What the hell! Why? You know that every non-uniform day I go out with my friends.

Hasan: No, mum said you can’t this time and I have to pick you up.

Simi: Why you lying for?

[Her friends singing -  “Why you always lying?”]

Hasan: Shut up, I’m coming to get you right now.

[Hangs the phone]


Characters: Hasan and Simi    

Wryly: (Talking, panting, shouting)

[Hasan is at the school playground waiting for his sister – children are running, screaming and shouting – Simi sees Hasan and tells the teacher to leave and walks towards him – he holds a box in his hand]

Dialogue –

Hasan: Oh hey, how was school?

Simi: [looks at him weirdly]
…Yeah it was all right. [Her focus moves onto the box in his bag] What’s that? Did you get me something? Aw!

Hasan: Um…no it’s a friend’s. So what lesson did you have?

[Hasan hides the shape of the box more into his bag]

Simi: Rude. Why are you so interested? You never ask me.

Hasan: Gosh, can’t I just ask without getting…

[Hasan suddenly sees something appear but it vanishes – he stops walking and his sister carries on without realising. His sister’s voice becomes muted whilst the camera is disorientated]

Simi: No you can’t… and hurry up.

[The scene is very active with black flashes of a dark figure – Hasan sees something on his hand and tries rubbing it away but it doesn’t go – he runs leaving his sister]

Simi: Oi!!! Where are you going??? Hello??

[He doesn’t answer her and just keeps running toward a dark tunnel]

Hasan: Oh god, please… No! [he pants whilst he runs] I haven’t done anything wrong!
[He reaches the end of the tunnel and runs towards the park and up the hill. The ghost flashes past him, and the music gets louder as the figure gets closer. He worries and has a montage of him picking up the box. He realizes he needs to get rid of it and gets the box out of his bag and chucks it]

[He has a breath of relief as all the music stops and he stops running. – His sister catches up to him]

Simi: Oi where the hell did you go? Leaving me like that. Thanks a lot, you want to come pick me up and then you run away?

Hasan: Huh, um did you just see that?

Simi: See what?

Hasan: Oh, um nothing, leave it.

Simi: Weirdo, now can we go?

Hasan: Yeah, please lets get out of here.

[They both exist the park and walk home]


Characters: Hasan, Simi,

[Hasan turns the key of his front door and looks around before he enters]

Simi: Where’s mum’s car?

Hasan: Probably out

[Hasan goes straight to the kitchen and looks for food. He takes a carton out of the fridge and accidentally spills it on the floor]

Hasan: Oh crap! Where’s the cloth? (To himself)
[He goes to open all the cupboards, as he cannot find it anywhere else. As he opens the last one, the ghouls face appears with a loud sudden bang and the screen goes black].

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