Sunday 17 January 2016

P26 - NEW Script

Film Script


[Two girls are walking the street– the older one, Maisha who is on the phone and one younger, Sam who is kicking stones as she walks]
Maisha: Stop that! You’re so annoying!
[Continues talking on the phone as Sam looks saddened whilst the both continue walking.]

[The sounds of someone’s footsteps behind them can be heard, and Maisha hangs up, holds Sam’s hand and both walk faster. A man suddenly appears holding something behind his back]

[Both gasp]

Stranger: ‘Ere you go love, you can take this

Maisha: It’s okay, she doesn’t want it and she doesn’t need it either

Stranger: It’s just a silly old toy, I don’t need it anymore now do I. Look at me. [Hands it to Sam] You take good care of it; it’s been in my family for ages.

Maisha: Ugh, say thank you and come on.

[The two start walking off]

Maisha: Why would you even take it, look at that manky thing man.

[The man unzips his jacket to reveal blood underneath, smirks, looks back at the girls to see they have gone, and continues walking]

[End Scene]


[Sam is in bed under a thin cover on her iPod. She is listening to her older sister who is on the phone in the passageway]

Maisha: Yes Mum, okay... Yes, I fed her dinner don’t worry… Okay, I’ll tell her that... Alright, bye…
[Open’s Sam’s bedroom door]
Mum said to put your iPod away and go to sleep or I have to take it from you.   

[Sam puts it away momentarily until she hears her older sister back in her bed before getting it out again. She goes back under the covers, but the takes it back off to look at the box. She then goes to turn the light off and tries going to sleep. She curiously gets her iPod back out and shines it on the box which has disappeared. As she turns around scared, she closes her eyes and hears the door creak open. Breathes heavily. She uses the torch to see what is there but when he sees nothing, she gets up slowly, and walks around the house to check what made the noise. Sam goes over to her sister’s room and sees her sleeping. She then goes back to her room and sees the box in the bed under the covers. She walks towards the box slowly, and takes the covers off the box and slowly starts cranking the box to hear “pop goes the weasel”. As she is doing that, a black figure moves closer from behind her and by the time the end of the song finishes, the figure is right behind Sam. When she slowly turns around, a scream is heard]

[Maisha wakes up because of the scream and runs down stairs to Sam’s bedroom. She tries opening the door but it’s locked so she runs back upstairs to find a key. Once she finds it, she runs back down but this time finds the door open. She slowly walks in and sees Sam holding the box with blood all over and a pale face but with the handle moving by itself]

Maisha: Oh my god... Sam? Sam, this isn’t a joke.

[She creeps closer and bends down to Sam’s level]

Sam: [whispers]

Maisha: Sam what are you saying?

Sam: Jack’s come to play

[Maisha moves backwards as Sam repeats “Jack’s out to play”. She then gets her phone to call her Mum and rings her. As she turns around, she sees the black figure already standing there and drops the phone. She screams]
Mum on the phone: Hello... Hello? Maisha

[End Scene]

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