Sunday 10 January 2016

P22 - Evaluation of Feedback on Trailer, Poster and Film


From our animatic story board, it enbaled our audience to see what exactly we want in our film and how we want to present it. However the storyboard we created did not have a dialogue, so our target audience could not get a feel of our actors  and how they will be portrayed in our film. This is a limitation as if we had provided this, the audience could have gotten a better perspective on our film and provide better feedback.

An improvement they said to make was to make the first scene clearer on how it was a year before the second scene. This will be particularly clear through the jack in the box as in the first scene it'll be less dirty compared to the dirt collected over a year in the second. We will also have the text on screen appear one by one, allowing the audience to have more time to read it and therefore know it is a year later. 

Also from out audience, they said in order to appeal to them more we need to make the film more scarier. This particularly useful as now we keep in mind the effect it'll have on the audience. This way, if we are filming, we can see if it'll be effective in making the audience scared or not.  


Generally in our film poster feeback, there was not much improvements that need to be made. However the jack in the box that we have does not look like the one that I have drawn in my draft of the poster. Where I wanted to the spring to be visible, on our actual jack in the box, the spring is concealed within the clothing of the box.

The main improvements suggested were simple improvements, for example placing the ghost's face behind the jack in the box, however due to the dimentions of the box in the picture it'll seem like we have too much going on in our poster, therefore adding that idea may seem to appear too much. Another suggestion was to replace the clown with the ghost, however to take the clown off the jack in the box may ruin the effect of how it springs up, which is vital. Therefore we cannot include this idea too. 

All together, the overal feeback from surveys was to keep the poster simple, which is what we intend to do, which is why the feedback was so helpful. We want to have a spotlight on the jack in the box, but edit the picture on photoshop to make it look more grim and dirty. The sole isolation of the box highlights that the ghost and the box work on their own against attaining victims. Therefore because of the feedback, we are now able to incorporate the needs of the audience into our film poster.


In the questionnaire, the feedback we recieved stated that sound was significant in creating a radio trailer, and most people preferred if the story wasn't narrated within the trailer. This is why we have significantly used sound and voice overs as opposed to extracts from within the film. Although both can be effective, the feedback shows us that the audience prefer being scared with sound effects and eerie background music. We have done this by including the jingle of the jack in the box. The simplicity of Pop Goes The Weasel is effective as something so innocent can be turned into evil, causing the audience to build suspense within themselves. 
We showed our audience the trailer teaser, as not all audiences like listening to a full 2 minutes of the trailer. This way, we can appeal to both audiences as some may prefer getting a 2 minute insight into what they are about to watch. From our teaser trailer feedback, we found out that it was very good overall. As we give a history of a jack in the box, we use the conventional deep male voice, however some audience members think using a child would be more creepy and significant. However, we did not think we could do this because nowhere in our film does it have a child or anybody a jack in the box could appeal to. However our feeback was useful over all as we were told that it appealed to our audience and it kept them engaged the whole time.

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