Monday 1 February 2016

P35 - Official Poster Feedback

Ø  Name of interviewee: Tania Firdaws
What do you think about the film poster?
I think that it portrays what the film will be about and acts as a little teaser. And I like how the people that took part in it are included at the bottom giving them some sort of credit. The fact that the poster focuses on a mundane toy that is played with every children and the way it is presented portrays it in a twisted, gory and gruesome way.
What improvements could be made?
The title could stand out a bit more catching the attention and letting the people know what the film is called.
Ø  Name of Interviewee: Fahima Uddin     
What do you think about the film poster?
I think the posters emphasis scariness, shows us that danger is ahead of us I can tell this by the colours red that is splatted mostly around the poster.  The fact that jacks out to play emphasis a childish game this meaning that kids games last forever therefore there might not be no stopping.
What improvements could be made?
Make the credit readable, there are some people who actually like to know who’s in charge of what or who the actors are. Make the title a bit more lighter so its more eye catching
Ø  Name of Interviewee: Nusrat Iqbal
What do you think about the film poster?
I like the poster because it looks like it fits a horror story which is what your film is about. The dark colours and text all fit with the colour scheme and looks appealing to the eye. I like that there is a balance between all three of the components of the poster equal out to each other. Every part has a change to stick out to the audience.
What improvements could be made?
The tag line and the jack in the box both look realistic but the title doesn’t look at real. It fades into the background and the texture of the title isn’t as clear so it doesn’t match up with the rest of the poster.

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