Sunday 31 January 2016

P34 - Teaser Trailer & Feedback

 From research and our own personal experiences, we have seen various different trailers, however we have also heard teaser trailers which have a much more shorter duration than official trailers. Therefore from this, we know that if we were in the industry, to promote our film and even for marketing campaigns, creating a teaser trailer would help gain more publicity within our target audience. This is why we have created a draft teaser trailer to show that if we were in the industry, this is what we would do. 

 However we also needed feedback to see what it was that we could improve for our official trailer. We asked three people amongst or target audience what they think of the teaser trailer by asking them 4 questions. These were:
1. What did you like about it?
2. Would you actually go watch this in the cinemas?
3. Do you have any improvements?
4. Does it build up the suspense? How does it do this?
We found out that we needed to improve the ending of the trailer to make it more clear to the audience and more louder to end the trailer with effect. However overall, our target audience found it very appealing for them.

Saturday 30 January 2016

P33 - NEW Official Script

Film Script


[A black hooded figure is walking towards a door. He then leaves something on the doorstep, bangs on the door and runs away. A teenage girl opens the door and looks to see who it is]

Maisha: What the hell? [picks the box up and looks at it curiously. Then shuts the door and walks inside]


Maisha: Sam?

Sam: Yeah?

Maisha: Come down!

[Sam comes down the stairs to Maisha]

Maisha: Here, i think somebody left this for you. Do you want it?

Sam: Yeah. [Sam takes the box and looks at it curiously as Maisha goes into the room. He then shrugs and goes up stairs]



[Sam is in bed playing on his iPad. Maisha is on the phone in the passageway]

Maisha: Yes Mum, okay... Yes, I fed him dinner don’t worry… He's fine! Okay, okay bye Mum. Okay bye!
[Open’s Sam’s bedroom door]
Mum said to put your iPod away and go to sleep or I have to take it from you.   

[Sam gets up to put it away, puts his lamp on and then gets back into bed and tries to go to sleep. Suddenly, a flash and a weird noise occurs, so he sits up to scan his room and see what it was. He then looks at the box, but sees nothing abnormal so he goes back to sleep.

The time changes, however the door suddenly opens by itself. As the door creaks, Sam closes his eyes and pretends that it's a dream. When he opens his eyes, the door is closed. He then gets out of bed and walks around his living room to see what is there. There is a sudden bang that comes from upstairs so he starts going up the stairs. He gives up and then goes back into his room and sees the box on his bed.]

Sam: [gasps] HUH?!

[He walks back into the room and starts cranking the box. When the little clown pops out, he screams]   

[Maisha wakes up because of the scream and runs down stairs to Sam’s bedroom. She tries opening the door but it’s locked.]

Maisha: Sam! SAM! 

[She runs back upstairs to find a key. Once she finds it, she runs back down but this time finds the door open. She slowly walks in and sees Sam holding the box with a pale face but with the handle moving by itself]

Maisha: Oh my god... Sam?

Sam: [in a devilish voice] Jack's out to play...

Maisha: Huh? Oh no, please. [starts panicking]

[Maisha starts panicking and breathing heavily. She runs towards the stairs and starts going up as Sam follows her, still holding onto the box.]

Maisha: Sam! It's me! Sam! [screams]

[screen cuts to titles]

[End Scene]

Sunday 17 January 2016

P28 - NEW Risk Assessment

P27 - NEW Props List

First Scene:
  • Bag - for little girl and the older sister
  • Rock/stone - When the little girl is kicking it as she walks
  • Mobile Phone - For the older sister when she is on the phone]
  • Jack-in-the-box - When the man gives it to them
Second Scene:
  • Household objects/furniture for setting: sofa, lamp, light, bed, every day objects
  • iPod: For little girl 
  • Jack-in-the-box - put on the shelf in little's girl's room 
  • Key: When older sister tries to open the door 

P26 - NEW Script

Film Script


[Two girls are walking the street– the older one, Maisha who is on the phone and one younger, Sam who is kicking stones as she walks]
Maisha: Stop that! You’re so annoying!
[Continues talking on the phone as Sam looks saddened whilst the both continue walking.]

[The sounds of someone’s footsteps behind them can be heard, and Maisha hangs up, holds Sam’s hand and both walk faster. A man suddenly appears holding something behind his back]

[Both gasp]

Stranger: ‘Ere you go love, you can take this

Maisha: It’s okay, she doesn’t want it and she doesn’t need it either

Stranger: It’s just a silly old toy, I don’t need it anymore now do I. Look at me. [Hands it to Sam] You take good care of it; it’s been in my family for ages.

Maisha: Ugh, say thank you and come on.

[The two start walking off]

Maisha: Why would you even take it, look at that manky thing man.

[The man unzips his jacket to reveal blood underneath, smirks, looks back at the girls to see they have gone, and continues walking]

[End Scene]


[Sam is in bed under a thin cover on her iPod. She is listening to her older sister who is on the phone in the passageway]

Maisha: Yes Mum, okay... Yes, I fed her dinner don’t worry… Okay, I’ll tell her that... Alright, bye…
[Open’s Sam’s bedroom door]
Mum said to put your iPod away and go to sleep or I have to take it from you.   

[Sam puts it away momentarily until she hears her older sister back in her bed before getting it out again. She goes back under the covers, but the takes it back off to look at the box. She then goes to turn the light off and tries going to sleep. She curiously gets her iPod back out and shines it on the box which has disappeared. As she turns around scared, she closes her eyes and hears the door creak open. Breathes heavily. She uses the torch to see what is there but when he sees nothing, she gets up slowly, and walks around the house to check what made the noise. Sam goes over to her sister’s room and sees her sleeping. She then goes back to her room and sees the box in the bed under the covers. She walks towards the box slowly, and takes the covers off the box and slowly starts cranking the box to hear “pop goes the weasel”. As she is doing that, a black figure moves closer from behind her and by the time the end of the song finishes, the figure is right behind Sam. When she slowly turns around, a scream is heard]

[Maisha wakes up because of the scream and runs down stairs to Sam’s bedroom. She tries opening the door but it’s locked so she runs back upstairs to find a key. Once she finds it, she runs back down but this time finds the door open. She slowly walks in and sees Sam holding the box with blood all over and a pale face but with the handle moving by itself]

Maisha: Oh my god... Sam? Sam, this isn’t a joke.

[She creeps closer and bends down to Sam’s level]

Sam: [whispers]

Maisha: Sam what are you saying?

Sam: Jack’s come to play

[Maisha moves backwards as Sam repeats “Jack’s out to play”. She then gets her phone to call her Mum and rings her. As she turns around, she sees the black figure already standing there and drops the phone. She screams]
Mum on the phone: Hello... Hello? Maisha

[End Scene]

Saturday 16 January 2016

P25 - NEW Treatment


Working Title of Film: Jack
Tagline of the Film: Jack’s out to play
Production Name: SKASA
Medium: Audio – Visual
Duration: 5 minutes
Certification: 12/12A

Target Audience: 

  • Our target audience range from ages 12 to 18
  • Male and Female 
  •  British/live locally
  • Any religion/ethnicity/nationality
  • In school, college, potentially university
  • Subject interests: all types, including math, science and english
  • Various different skill sets: soft skills - social, communication and organisation
  • Occupation: Unemployed, employed (part time jobs/apprenticships/internships)
  • Social Classes of: E & D
  • Hobbies: girls - socialising, social networking, going shopping, reading. Boys - hanging with friends, partying, playing sports. Both: reading, watching films, watching youtube videos, vines etc.   
Aspirers: become more satisfied with their image
Succeeder: hard workers whilst in education and out, however they also like to enjoy themselves with the break that they deserve and aspire to achieve a tob job in their career goals and therefore want to succeed. 
Explorer: They like trying new things and gaining new experiences and enjoy going out of their comfort zone.           

·      Start: The film starts off with two sisters (one older and one younger) walking the streets. A man holding a jack in the box approaches the younger one and is adamant that she should take the box. The older sister speaks on the younger one’s behalf but the man still suggests she should take the box because it “means a lot to his family” and it would “make him happy that the box is in good hands”. The little girl then takes the box and goes home with her sister.
·      Middle: The little girl is bed under the covers playing with her iPod. Randomly, something jumps out at the screen so she turns it off. She looks over at the box and then turns around to sleep, however she cannot take her mind off the box. So she looks at the box but it has disappeared. She then turns back around all confused, wondering where the box has gone but suddenly hears the door creak open. She closes her eyes shut and sinks back into the bed, before she brave’s up and flashes a light from her iPod to see what is there. When she sees there’s nothing, she gets up to look around the house. She looks in her sister’s room and her sister is fast asleep, so she goes back to her room. Suddenly, she sees the box is on her bed, so she slowly steps closer. As she lifts the sheets, she cranks the box whilst a black figure from behind comes closer and closer. She screams.
·      End: When the little girl screams, the sister wakes up and runs to her room but finds that the door is locked. She then runs back up stairs to find a spare key, and once she has she runs back up to find that the door is open. She slowly opens the door wide enough to fit through and sees that the little girl has become the living dead holding the jack in the box. As she gasps and starts to cry trying to wake her sister up, the little girl mutters something. When the older sister hears she is saying “jack’s out to play”, she stops crying and becomes worried. The black figure slowly appears behind her, and the scene ends.

Main Characters –
·      Man at the beginning:  ___________ (over 50+)
Dressed in ripped and tattered clothing. Underneath his ‘normal’ exterior, when he unzips his clothing, you see that the blood is splattered on his white, yet unclean shirt.
·      Older Sister: Farzana Hussain (aged 18)
Dressed in casual yet dark fashionable clothing. Her clothing represents a certain maturity making her look older than she seems. Her typical clothing is jeans, t-shirt, coat and boots.
·      Younger Sister: Natasha Khan (aged 9)
Dressed in more ‘girly’ colours, to accentuate her gender. Wearing skirts and dresses to make her seem more feminine connoting that she is a young girl easily vulnerable to older people.
·      Monster: Sharmila Aktar (aged 17)
Dressed in black clothing so that you cannot see the face or arms or any part of the body. Through the use of lighting, the ghost will be presented as a dark, sinister character. The high angles used, will present the dripping of blood from his face yet the dark clothing will hide almost all the body/skin of the actress.

Key Scenes (explain through technical codes)

·      (Scene 1) The film starts off with a long shot of two girls – one older and one younger, walking side by side on an empty street. A tracking shot is then used of the backs of the girls as they are walking, yet the canted camera angles used make it seem suspicious and raises the tension of the scene, because if seems like they are being followed. The older girl is on the phone, laughing away in a mid shot, while the younger girl is kicking stones on the floor as she walks. In an irritated diegetic, tone of voice, the older sister exclaims, “Stop that! You’re so annoying” in the high angle. A close up shot is used of the little girl’s face, showing that she is sad, and the two continue to walk in a two shot. 
·      Suddenly the two can hear something or someone walking behind them, so they curiously look at each other between an over the shoulder shot. A high and shot and low angle shot is then used to show the level of hierarchy, and how the younger is more vulnerable and susceptible to danger. The ruffling and deep footsteps get faster, but the two cannot work out where they are coming from, so they begin to walk faster and the older sister takes her sister’s hand in a two shot. A tracking shot follows them at a fast pace when a man suddenly emerges from a side road. His use of costume suggests that he has not had a shower for days, yet the blood marks on his neck are concealed within is clothing. A high angle is used when the camera is focused on the man while an eye level shot is used when talking to the older sister. Between the shot reverse shots of the three in a diegetic-dialogued conversation, a low angle is used to portray the younger sister. When she sees the man is holding something behind his back, a point of view shot is used tilting upwards at his face, and then back to a close up shot of his hands. As he insists on the little girl taking it, the little girl looks around in a close up shot as the older sister responds for her. She then takes the box in a point of view shot, and then as the man leaves behind them, a tracking shot shows the two walking off. The camera then goes to the man in a mid shot as he unzips his jacket revealing blood on his shirt to the audience. He then looks back at the two girls who have gone from the street in a wide shot.

·      (Scene 2) A non-diegetic voice over can be heard of the older sister on the phone to her mum on the phone saying “Yeah okay Mum… I’ll make sure she goes to sleep. Yeah, okay. Bye”. The bedroom is dark yet vaguely lit with a lamp.  A mid shot of the door opening shows the older sister peak in saying “Mum said to put your iPod away and go to sleep or I have to take it from you” before shutting the door again. The little girl puts it away in a long shot and waits for the non-diegetic footsteps of her walking up the stairs to end, before getting it out again. She stays under the covers with her iPod in a close up shot, before curiously looking at the box in a point of view shot. She then reaches up to turn off the light and goes to sleep. A horizontal mid shot shows her closing her eyes, but for some reason, she cannot get the box off her mind. So she takes her iPod out and switches on the light. In the point of view shot when the box is not there, she quickly turns back around and closes her eyes shut. The door creaks open with a diegetic sound effect as a figure walks in, but when she turns around to see what it is, the point of view shot reveals that the door is shut and there is nothing there.
·      The little girl then gets up in a wide shot, holding her torch as a tracking shot shows her walking around the house. A point of view shot is used of her panning the torch from right to left, before a wide shot of her walking up the stairs. When she flashes the light on her sister seeing that she is sleeping in a wide shot, she walks back to her room in an establishing shot. As a mid shot shows her walk into the room and shut the door slightly, she suddenly freezes. An over the shoulder shot is used to show the box under the covers. As she slowly steps closer, a high angle over the shoulder shot is used. A bird’s eye view shot is then used to show her lifting the blanket off the box and then switches to a mid shot as she slowly starts to crank the box. The out of tune jingle from the jack in hides the diegetic sounds of the door opening as a black sinister figure steps in. The intense music increases and the black figure comes closer until it is right beside her. When the box pops open, she jumps back but hits something. A close up shot shows her feared expression, and as she turns around, a high angle shot is used.
·      A non-diegetic scream is heard which wakes the older sister up in a mid shot.  A tilt shot is used as it follows her when she gets up, back to a mid shot of her lifting the covers over her. As she runs down the stairs, a canted tracking shot is used of her in the dark, which then changes to a over the shoulder shot of her trying to open the door. A close up shot is then used of her thinking on how to open the door. An establishing shot shows her running up the stairs in a wide shot, before messily and hastily trying to find a key in a point of view shot. The faced paced action slows down suddenly after she finds the key and stops on the stairs after an establishing shot. A wide shot reveals that the door is slightly open, and then a mid shot of her to show her facial expression. As she slowly creeps in, an over the shoulder shot is used, before a close up shot shows her covering her mouth to conceal her mouth from fear with a diegetic gasp. Her younger sister is viewed in a wide shot, wearing white with blood all over, pale face and white eyes, yet holding the jack in the box. The elder goes towards her sister and bends in front of her calling her name and trying to see what is wrong with her. Suddenly the little girl whispers something that the older one cannot hear, presented in the establishing shots. She then repeats louder in a distorted child like non-diegetic voice, making the elder sister move backwards towards the door. A non-diegetic hissing sound is used as the sounds become faster paced and deeper creating more tension in the air. The little girl then repeats “Jack’s out to play” as the sister turns around in a low angle dropping her phone. A slow motion shows the phone falling on the floor but onscreen can see the phone is calling their mum. A ghost’s face is used in a close up shot as a non-diegetic scream is heard. The camera then switches to a woman on the phone through Caller ID as Mum saying “Hello. Hello? Farzana?”
·      The scene then ends abruptly.

Thursday 14 January 2016

P24 - Production & Editing Schedule



Contingency Plan
Scene 1 Filming Part 1 Scene 1 Part 2, Scne 2 Part 1
Outside House
If the lighting equipment doesn’t work, use the light from the torch on the phone
Film Scene 1 Part 2, Scne 2 Part 1 & Scene 2 Part 2
Yaseen mostly
Inside 2nd bedroom
Bedroom furniture and setting
If Yaseen doesn’t want to act, use little sister on another date
Upload &import footage
SD Card
If SD doesn’t work, use personal one
Place in order
Edit Scene 1
Final Cut
Edit rest of footage
Collect & add sound
Web 2.0
Add typography
Web 2.0
Crop typography from screenshot and use if you cannot download font
Add effects/ transitions
Final Cut


Check for final editing


Get final feedback
Final Cut

Make amendments suggested from feedback
Final Cut

Export and upload film onto Blogger
Final Cut
Web 2.0