Wednesday 3 February 2016

P36 - Official Film Feedback

 For our film feedback, I asked two members of our target audience - both male and female, to say what they liked and what they wanted to improve in our short horror film. These are some of their responses:

1. Female

From this feedback, we can see how Hall's theory of Encoding and Decoding applies. The scene where Sam is coming into the room in the foreground shows a shadown figure in the background however this was unintentional. This oppositional reading seems to be for the better as the target audience deem it more effective in their viewing experience. Therefore although we found this an unfixable issue beforehand, now it seems as if it was added for effect. 

The improvement however is due to the lack of film footage as we had very limited time to film. As we used a child actor, it was getting late and was past his bed time therefore we rushed the ending of our film. It was clear within his acting that his tiredness was effecting him for example when he is sitting holding the box saying "Jack's out to play".  Because of this, we didn't want to push him into doing anything he didn't want to do so we left it at that. So when it came to editing, I had very limited footage to edit in, and therefore that part of the scene seems more abrupt than the others.

2. Male

From this feedback, there wasn't really many improvements to make. Instead, this member of the target audience told us what he enjoyed about the film, which could also help us with improvements. The things that he doesn't mention could be improved to make him remember all the film and stand those parts out. For example, he said he enjoyed "how the background space was used", meaning that we used our use of proxemics in the camera well. He also said that how we used "sound" was very effective. He said "each sound effect fitted the individual scene perfectly" therefore highlighting that in our editing stage, we used sound that fitted it effectively.

However, he did not mention things such as the titles, perhaps suggesting that we need to improve it for it to stand out to our target audience as much as those other positives. For example the credits. The text font is very basic and doesnt match the same atmopshere of the film. Therefore to improve, I could make this more effective by adding an appropriate font to match the tone of the film.

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