Thursday 4 February 2016

P37 - Official Radio Trailer Feedback

Contrasting to the teaser trailer feedback, the actual radio trailer feedback was much more useful and better in terms of the improvement of the radio trailer. As the teaser trailer was very basic, it was hard for our audience to understand the bigger picture, therefore our radio trailer has been effective in showing our audience the full trailer. 

I first showed 4 members of my target audience my teaser trailer and then compared it to the actual trailer. These are the comments and improvements they commented upon.

U.Z: "When you played the trailer, I was like 'oh was that it?', because there weren't really much on there and I was expecting a lot more. But then when I realised that it was only the teaser trailer and there was a proper trailer, I felt a bit dumb - but anyway, for a teaser trailer it was good because it didn't give too much away. But comapred to the official trailer, i liked that one better 'cos there was so much to it. Like all the sounds and everything, it really had a fast pace so it was like those trailers you hear in cinemas or something. I can't really tell you what to improve cos I liked all of it. The only thing i would've said was to add more to the teaser trailer, but thats just a teaser trailer and it does have the same things in the proper trailer so yeah, it was really good."

 T.S: "I really liked the teaser trailer, it was really simple and didn't give much away so it left me wanting to find out about your film. But I really loved the actual trailer! It was everything you'd expect from one, like you had the dramatic build up, your title, the - what's that thing called when it's 12A? - oh yeah, that rating. Like if I was making a trailer I wouldn't even think to add it in. So I can't tell you what to add because I really liked it. Well done!"

S.K: "Oh wow, I wasn't expecting that.. Did you actually make that? Dude, that was pretty good for you - I'm joking. The only thing I can really comment on that I would suggest to improve is when they guy was saying something - I can't remember exactly what, but it was when the music was getting really loud so you kinda lost what he was saying, so all I'd suggest is just make the sound a little louder and that's pretty much it. You should be proud of yourself, that was good! Can I watch the film now?"

N.B: "Aw, that was so good! But, not gonna lie, the teaser trailer had nothing on that. You should've had the 'jack's out to play' in the teaser one as well though so it matches a bit. But for your main one, I think it's a whole lot better; like, you're representing everything in horror in about a minute. I loved that you had that creepy lullaby thing, it added to the creepy atmosphere and so did the gradual increased music. I think all your elements in the trailer work really well together and for an audience member it really does appeal to me. What I liked most was that you had that like, traditional old school deep voice, so for me you really stuck to the genre. An improvement?... hmm. I don't know, I can't think of one and I'm not just saying that. Seriously, do I have to say one, because I can't think of one. I just really liked it."

From this feedback, it was clear that our audience took well to our radio trailer. It seemed as though they were more interested in improving the teaser trailer as opposed to the actualy trailer which is completely fine. The main thing that we realised we should improve from the feedback was to increase the sound of the deep voice when the music becomes very tense and loud. Other than that, I think our trailer went down very well.

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