Tuesday 17 November 2015

R41 - Radio Trailer Analysis of 'Insidious'

Insidious (2010)

The trailer first starts off with silence before a deep booming sound can be heard as it echoes back to silence. There are then slashin sounds as a non diegetic voice of "You ready?" can be heard. Another smaller booming sound can be heard before loud sharp ticking sound is evident - setting the atmosphere for the radio trailer.

There are then fast warping sounds as the dialogue of "Sweetie" can be heard. This makes the audience assume that it is a woman from the use of the word "sweetie" as well as her sincere tone of voice. Her mode of address implies that she is talking to her husband, or in fact her lover.

However there becomes a more suspenseful atmosphere as the voice shrinks to a whisper, indicating that they are hiding from someone. The dialogue says "he's not in a coma, they don't know what to call it". A muted boom in the form of a sting is then heard as the pace of the radio trailer gradually builds up. There is a loud high pitched scream, as well as the layering of the intense eerie music. On top of that with the fast paced trailer, a sound of a baby crying can also be heard. 

As there is more dialogue, it is more clear of the panic within the voices and the mode of address towards each other. In this way, it is evident that the actors/actresses are actually in fear of something, adding to the effect of the radio trailer. The sounds used are layered together as below the non diegetic voices, there are sounds of something crashing, and clashing. There is an effective use of sting after every 7 seconds of the trailer, or especially after there is dialogue to differentiate the times of them speaking.

Soon after, there is a large build up of sounds - the most effective part of the trailer. Here, we can hear; glass shattering, the baby crying, deep booming sounds as well as high pitched screaming and a increasing heartbeat effect. After intensifying these sounds and becoming louder, the trailer suddenly becomes silence for approximately 5 seconds. It is after this that there is a calm yet alerted voice says "It's not the house that's haunted, it's your son". The trailer then ends with a final boom, and then silence.   

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