Monday 23 November 2015

P4: Proposal: Radio Trailer

                        Proposal for radio trailer:

Name of film: Jack

Tagline: “Are you sure you want to wake him up?”

Production name: SKASA Productions

Medium: A radio trailer (45sec-1min)

Format: Audio

Target audience: The demographics for our audience are young male and female students who enjoy listening to a radio trailer because it gives them an insight into the film. They are aged between 12-18 so they can be students in education or employment. They come from a diverse range of religions but are British citizens. The psychographics for our audience is Succeeders: they are confident young people who work hard in college to achieve their bigger goals in university. They also aspire to become more satisfied with their appearance and image by purchasing materialistic items. Usually they are conscience consumers who seek a bargain but enjoy buying brands that reflect their inner personalities. Our audience are also explorers since they enjoy going on adventures and are usually willing to try different things so they have energy and enthusiasm.

Content of the advert: The radio trailer will include a monologue of a young clear voice who says “Are you sure you want to wake him up?” This is our tagline but also acts as a buzzword because it will make the audience think. However, the trailer will cross cut between the narrator and a character from the film who will say short snappy sentences to build up the tension, such as “it’s a dark figure”, “its following me”. The trailer will be accompanied by diegetic sounds of screaming and shouting will raise the action the trailer. We will include extracts from the horror film to add suspense and give the audience an insight into the film.

Publishing of the advert: It is a radio trailer so we will publish it in places where our target audience can have access to it. For example, Channel 4, RKO Pictures and BBC 5 Live. These radio stations all feature short horror films.

Unique Selling Point: We are using the voice of the young person in the film in our trailer because it will add tension. Also, we are using a monologue by a young person who gives us the story of the character, allowing the audience to relate toe the film.

Competitive market:  Since our short horror film is within the psychological genre it faces competition with psychological trailers, such as, Crimson Peak, Insidious Chapter 3, Poltergeist and Sinister 2 which all have been produced for 2015.

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