Tuesday 24 November 2015

P7 - BBFC Regulation for my Film

In today's Media lesson in, we looked at Classification and how our film fits into certain regulations of the classification. Despite its' differences, both 12/12A and 15 rated films have certain things in common however 15 rated movies are more flexible in what they allow. For example, for the sub text of Threat, in 12 rated films, it says that they be a 'moderate physical and psychological threat and horror sequences' however it contrasts to a 15 as it accepts 'strong threat and horror'.

It is little changes like this which adapt my film into the 15 regulated sector. This is mainly seen in the Violence section of the classification/ The 12 regulation says "occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified" which is why I originally thought our film would best fit into this classification factor as we do not include drug use, nudity, discrimination or sex. However we have aspects of informal, strong language such as "sh-t" which is acceptable for a 12A. Similarly, we act upon the psychological threat that somebody is haunting someone which adds to the dark elements that could create dark imagery for the audience, thus rating it a 15. 

Our film is fundamentally in the 15 range due to the gore and special effects used. Where 12 says "moderate violence should not dwell on detail", we use an extreme close up shot to present the image of skin being carved into, so much so, that the skin moves off revealing the flesh and bones underneath. Due to these gory and gruesome visual images, it makes the film fit into the 15 rated classification. 

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