Tuesday 6 October 2015

R31 - Short Film Titles

Many short horror films follow the same conventional structure, however what I have noticed from my own personal viewings, is that some do not follow this and challenge the convention instead. 

For example, a general short horror film, or any horror film would follow the structure as:
1. introducing the film maker/production company
2. Starring: actors & actresses
3. Film title 
Or any of the three in a random order. 

This can also be seen in the short horror films that I have analysed such as:

-  Abe

- Night Night Nancy 

as well as others such as Vicious.


 However, the are other short film types that do not include titles at the beginning. When watching the short unconventional horror films, I noticed that I felt like I was just dropped into the film. Although there were small texts appearing on screen like the producer or "a ____ film", it did not matter as much. When I watched "House of Prey"  

I felt as if I was placed right in the middle of the action and that I was actually there. Likewise, it did not occur to me that I had missed out on the title, because I was too engaged in watching the film. This also meant that I was not distracted from the film by waiting for the next piece of information to arrive on screen. 

This was also seen in "That's Not Me", where here, they do not use any piece of text at the beginning. Instead, a vertical pan is used to introduce the audience to the scene, showing a zombiefied girl closing the fridge door in the kitchen. The titles appeared at the end of the film at a sudden stop as the zombied girl screams towards the camera in a close up. It is only then you see that the film is called "That's Not Me", keeping me intrigued right till the very end. 


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