Tuesday 20 October 2015

R34 - Radio Trailer Analysis of 'The Boy'

Due to not being able to find a radio trailer, I have analysed the sounds of the film trailer instead, as they are both similar. 

The trailer starts off with a soft, gentle tune played on the piano, as there is a non diegetic voice over of an old woman saying "we've had a number of potential nanny's come through already" which immediately fades and the sound effects of a door closing can be heard. Another voice saying "Do you think you can manage" in a sophisticated, British accent is replied to by an American woman who says "of course" implying that the nanny has come abroad to work for this middle/upper class family. 
With the same soft piano background, we hear a conversation between the nanny and a man - Malcom who introduces himself as the 'grocery boy'. The fact that they are both American, in what seems to be a British place, suggests that they are incongruous to the setting and foreshadows that they will find comfort within themselves as opposed to the people around them. 

As she introduced to more people, the final person she is introduced to is "their son", which immediately sets of alarms as there is a stop in the fanatical sounds, as a more deep boom sound effect is played. The sudden change adds to the tone of atmosphere, and changes the mood entirely compared to the initial start of the film. The high pitched screeching sound against the mode of address the nanny uses as she says "are you being serious?" gives the connotation that perhaps she is baby sitting someone or something, she didn't quite expect. 

A flapping/whooshing-like sound effect then changes the scene and a simple piano tune that is more upbeat is played in the background. The non diegetic voice-over goes onto saying "music gives him so much joy" as an old record is played. A more deeper man's voice is followed after, as he says "he is not like any other boy, it is important that you must follow these rules - be good to him and he'll be good to you". The whooshing sound effect is then used again, as now a song with lyrics is evident saying "I sleep alone" . Following on, the sounds of cutlery against plates can be heard, and then footsteps suggesting that someone is putting food in the bin, however the mood drastically changes again and the noises go from high pitched to pitched as the sound of glass breaking can be heard. 

Soon after, the sounds of a boom and children laughing fades in and fades out as the nanny says "Ross" with a sigh of relief. Malcom's voice is then heard again as the nanny says "I needed someone to see it...If you leave him alone, he'll give you a sign". A sound effect of a door creaking is then heard as Malcom says "this is some sort of magic trick right?" After every bit of dialogue, there is a sting in which a sudden noise occurs, then goes back to an effect background piece of music. The fast paced cuts and sounds give the connotation that 'Ross' is effectively bad and foreshadows his potential dangers. 

As the trailer continues, Malcom goes onto telling a story about 'Ross' playing with a little girl. After he says "they found her body in the woods", a sting is heard again, with a wind sound effect. The music and heartbeat is heard which rapidly increases to a silence in which the door creaking open can be heard again suggesting that something bad will happen. When Malcom says "nobody's been here for years", and high pitched irregular sound effect can be heard, scaring the audience. After that, there is a constant wavering techno background music in which there are voice overs, and screeching sound effects. There is also a steady beat of a drum which gradually increases. 

A lullaby tune can then also be heard however after short pauses, a loud sinister sting is heard, as well as crashes. A final voice is heard saying "you will be good to him wont you", before a sound effect of a scream is played just before the trailer goes onto silence. 

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