Monday 28 December 2015

P16 - Animatic Storyboard

When creating the animatic storyboard, we struggled to get it complete due to various reasons. For example, firstly, we screen shot the storyboard on storyboard that as we were only allowed to create two a week. Therefore instead of creating separate storyboard every week, we reused the same ones and screenshot the frames so we could order it correctly on word. This meant that we screenshot it to various places, making it hard for both myself and Sharmila to find them all again as we both took the job of doing half and half. Hence, why when it came to creating the animatic weeks later, we got not track it all down. 

Our second problem was that when I had taken the laptop home to finish the storyboard, I had completed more than half of the animatic. However due to my stupidity, I used the audio files from my USB instead of transferring the music and sound effects onto the actual laptop. So when I opened up the laptop the next day to complete it, all the sound effects and sounds I had added 'could not be found'.

Another problem was that the software does not allow you to layer audio files onto each other. Thats why our animatic's outcome was so structured and did not have a flow to it. If we were able to layer them, then we would be able to incorporate more of the sounds that we wanted to add. For example, when Hasan is running, all you can hear in the animatic is him running, however we wanted to add the tension music to add suspense, as well as footsteps running through grass to have an overall complete and realistic effect.

Our animatic storyboard is a make shift version of our film as there is much more that we would like to add.

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